Anyhow, we are all doing well. Church and work are going well, our schedules are full, but not too full to include all the things that matter. We are uber busy, but make sure we don't stay too busy to enjoy life. We are living it up and having fun with each season. All seasons come with challenges, but we strap up our boots and pull up our big girl panties face each new challenge with determination. Life isn't perfect, but it is grand. Remember, to an ant, a cheerio is grand. It's all about perspective.
So you are reading here because you either follow my blog and read all of them faithfully (Thanks!) or you clicked on it because of the title. Either way, I am glad you are here.
I didn't recently inherit a large sum of money, but if you are looking for some encouraging reminders that can add riches to your life, then please keep reading. In many places, God's Word speaks about our royal status as joint-heirs with Christ. It reminds us that we are sons and daughters of the King. There is something more important that knowing that truth!! It's speaking it!! There is life and death in our tongue. There is power in speaking that identity out loud! Don't believe me? Try it for a week. Nonchalantly incorporate it in your prayer life and daily conversation. I do it on a daily basis. You can ask my husband and my children. It's not uncommon for you to hear me tell people "Everything always works out for me, I am a child of the King." When my children say things like, "Mommy, what if this bridge above us broke?" (real honest 9 year old boy question, right?) My answer is always along the lines of, "We don't want that, let's focus on what we do want. Plus, we don't attract things like that, we are sons and daughters of the King."
Do not stop reading here!!!!!!!! If you do it sounds like nothing bad ever happens to me and if something bad happened to you then you must not be a child of the King. Let's not be silly. The enemy is real. Saying these things over your life doesn't give you a supernatural free pass. It's not a fad diet or insurance policy! It's a foundation, a covering and an expectation. When you speak these things you release the power of God. It means, crappy things happen, but we don't live life expecting them. We expect good and we focus on who we are in Christ. Just like if you focus on red front doors, you will start to see them everywhere all the sudden. It's a shift in thought and focus.
"My inheritance wasn't public knowledge!"
My royal ties aren't listed on any legal documents--unless the Book of Life counts! However, I plan to declare my inheritance each day. I plan to make it known who I am in Christ. Keep in mind, everything I share, blog, preach and teach has a balance side. There's always a "Christian Common Sense" that is a given. Make sure you keep up with your Christian radar maintenance. For instance, practicing declaring who you are in Christ doesn't mean shouting these things at the Target cashier on a Wednesday morning. There is a time and a place for everything. Don't torch your testimony and drive people far away from Jesus because of spastic Christianese leakage. Be focused and speak purposefully! It has everything to do with your vision and purpose and nothing to do with being better than any one----because you aren't and neither am I.
Remember, there is power in speaking who you are and whose you are.
Special webinar just for moms on November 3rd!
Check out my website to register for free