
Monday, October 15, 2012

This and That

Look at you! Reading my blog :) I know your time is valuable, so thanks. I wish I could include the 786 topics I have thought about blogging about since I last wrote, but I now can't remember them all. Plus, that would just be too much to read. Plus, I have to get downstairs to finish packing lunches for tomorrow. Now, let's have a moment of silence for anyone who is, or ever has been a "lunch packer". Praise God.
Okay, moving on. So many awesome things have happened since I last posted. A few weekends ago, I had the privilege to speak at the "Walking in Purpose" Faith Church Women's Conference. What an honor. I loved all the great truth that God downloaded in my spirit. And I loved sharing all of it with a really, super- great group of ladies. The weekend and the room were filled with beauty, tears, talent, freedom, and of course, laughter. Nothing can quite replace a room full of giggling women. And by the way, for the ladies that heard me speak, you can look for my book "Comment VS Like" to drop Fall 2013. HAHA.
There are lots of other great things to blame for restraining me from social media lately. On October 7th, we launched the grand opening of Faith Church NYC! If you were there, you know the word epic doesn't quite cut it. God showed up! With electric worship and a "standing room only" crowd, we saw 37 people give their hearts and lives to the Lord. Gives me chills just typing it. Come 'awn somebody!! (I typed that with my southern accent, and hope you read it appropriately.) Go back and read again, out loud. Just to be sure. Ahhh, that was a nice try. So with our NYC campus full steam ahead and family visiting from out of state, we have had full schedules and lots of fun.
For those keeping up from out of state. The kids are doing great in school. Ashlyn is basically a black belt PRE-Ker. She is learning so much and her competitive nature (can't imagine where that came from, must have been very distant relatives from the 1700's), is keeping her at the top of the class. She is growing like a weed (44 inches tall to be exact) and she is winning over new friends everywhere we go with her sweet smile. And of course, even though she is 4 now, it still takes me forever to get through the grocery store if it's a Wednesday (senior citizen discount day) because every elderly person in the entire store stops to compliment and sometimes touch her long beautiful curls. So, for time sake, I shop on Saturdays.
Justice is rocking and rolling in KG. He has a great teacher (they both do), such a blessing. He is reading so well. We can't spell things anymore to keep secrets. He sounds out whatever we spell. Gotta be careful around Christmas this year.
Justice is keeping busy and already winning the hearts of his peers and adults alike. He loves Karate and Gymnastics, but has not yet taken classes for either one. You'd never know it when you see him "practice" though. This kid is so flexible and has the upper body strength of Jet Li. It's amazing. So signing up for karate/ballet/sports is one of the next things on the list now that we are somewhat settled.
Okay, just trying to include update stuff in here. When we first moved, I said to myself, "I'm going to blog like every day..." Haha. Yeah right. Anyhow, I love writing and appreciate when I am able to make time to do it. So, I hope you like reading and keeping up. that you are done reading this, leave me a comment and let me know you rejoiced with me about 37 lives changed at our FC NYC grand opening. Then find another blog of mine to read. Thanks for stopping by. I love and appreciate all the amazing people God puts in my life, close and far away. And keep smiling, you never know who's world you might change.

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